conquerable stations eve online

conquerable stations eve online
NPC Ships DB : LCS Conquerable Station 3 - EVE Info.Null sec station question. - EVE Online | EVE Insider | Forums.
Outpost Construction and Upgrading (inc Freighter usage) - EVE.
Grrrrrrrr @ conquerable stations - EVE Online | EVE Insider | Forums.
Shiva (Player corporation) - EVElopedia - EVElopedia - EVE Online.
In null sec there are "outposts" and npc stations as well. Outposts are conquerable stations which a player can build and erect which act more.
Due to a mistake in sovereignty control, D2 left the conquerable station in XZH- 4X, in the Cloud Ring region, open to anyone who wanted to try to take it as there.
station docking in nullsec - EVE New Citizens Q&A - EVE Online.
EVE API Corporation Locations - EVElopedia - EVE Online.
Nov 20, 2006. Please adjust your bookmarks to now more player built outposts than original CCP made conquerable stations.