statistics nominal scale examples

Peter Flom's Statistics 101: Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio: Stevens.
Statistics for Business and Economics 10e - Google Books Result.
Feb 12, 2013. Australian Bureau of Statistics. You can count but not order or measure nominal data.. Example: house numbers and swimming level.
A scientist knows, for example, what is meant when a "ghundefelder fish" is .. As with a nominal scale, computation of most of the statistics described in the rest.
As mentioned earlier, the choice of a statistical technique is a complex issue, which should not be. Measurement Level. Analysis Method. NON-METRIC. One . Nominal. Wilcoxon's two sample test, Chi-square, Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.
Data Types - Virginia Tech.

A set of data is said to be nominal if the values / observations belonging to it can be. Other examples of interval scales include the heights of tides, and the.
Measurement - Psychological Statistics at Missouri State.
Jul 4, 2010. The nominal scale (also called dummy coding) simply places people. object on any kind of scale say, for example, on a continuum from one to ten.. especially in light of what statistical procedures you intend to use once.
Mar 17, 2010. For nominal responses, we can do anything at all, as long as it is 1-1, that is, as long as each unique level stays unique. For example, if we ask.
NOMINAL LEVEL: Numbers can be used as tags or labels, where the size of the number is arbitrary. Barcodes and social security numbers are two examples.
Fundamentals of Statistics contains material of various lectures and courses of H. Lohninger. Nominal scale: this scale is based on a set of qualitative attributes. . Examples: percentile ranks, grades at school, ranks in a race, Mohs' scale of.
statistics nominal scale examples
Nominal scale - WikiofScience.
Levels of Measurement.